Wireless communications expert

Research engineer with a strong background in wireless communications, 12 years at Fraunhofer, development lead of the QuaDRiGa channel model, PhD from Technische Universität Ilmenau, 30+ published articles

My services. How can I help you?

During my 12 years at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, I was the creator and principal developer of the QuaDRiGa channel model, the only publicly available open-source 3GPP-5G compliant propagation modeling software with widespread use in the wireless communications community. Since 2010, I published 7 versions of QuaDRiGa comprising more than 60,000 lines of code and more than 10 publications related to the model describing the concepts, algorithms, model parameters and validation results. QuaDRiGa was the topic of my doctoral dissertation in electrical engineering at the Technische Universität Ilmenau which I graduated summa cum laude in 2017.


I offer training and consulting in topics related to wireless propagation and QuaDRiGa. This includes introductions and advanced trainings in the QuaDRiGa software as well as wider topics in wireless propagation such as channel measurements, link and system-level modelling, array antenna design, heterogeneous networks, industrial radio, network planning, interference management, wireless localization, etc.

Wireless Data Analysis

Models are only as good as the data used to parameterize them. It is important to tailor measurement campaigns to the specific questions they aim to address. I offer my expertise in methods for research in wave propagation, including acquisition and analysis of wireless propagation data.

Software Development

QuaDRiGa is a powerful tool for understanding and modelling wireless channels, and it can be expanded to be even more flexible. I offer customized solutions to your problem, from configuration scripts to new model components, including e.g. channel emulation interfaces, OTA solutions, measurement data import, etc.

Portfolio. Projects I have worked on.


QuaDRiGa, short for QUAsi Deterministic RadIo channel GenerAtor, is used for generating realistic radio channel impulse responses for system-level simulations of mobile radio networks. These simulations are used to determine the performance of new technologies in order to provide an objective indicator for the standardization process in bodies like the third generation partnership program 3GPP. QuaDRiGa is free software. I was the lead developer of QuaDRiGa from 2011 to 2019 and continue contributing to the project in the future.


The 5G-ALLSTAR project aims at demonstrating multiple access comprising terrestrial and satellite links, which are key to ensure the availability of 5G performances and worldwide continuity of services especially to support critical applications. My contribution is in the field of channel modelling for satellites in low-earth-orbit.


The goal of ReICovAir (Reliabe Industrial Communication over the Air) was to develop a test platform for industrial wireless communications systems. The main deliverables of the project were a simulation software and a hardware demonstrator. My role in the project was to manage the contribution of the Fraunhofer HHI, which was the development of the channel modeling software, a key component in the overall system.

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